Belcher Bits Privacy Statement


Information about our Organisation and Web site

Modern information and communication technologies play a fundamental role in the activities of an organisation like Belcher Bits. We are based in Canada .

Our principal activity is Hobby manufacturing and sales.

Our privacy policy covers Belcher Bits and its Web site:

Organisation Name: Belcher Bits

Address:    33 Norway Spruce St, Stittsville, K2S 1P3C, Ontario, Canada

Controller: Mike Belcher

Web Sites(s):

Providing Visitors with Anonymous Access

You can access our Web site home page and browse our site without disclosing your personal data.

The services and links of our Web site

Our Web site does not enable our visitors to communicate with other visitors or to post information to be accessed by others.

Our Web site does not include links to third party Web service providers.

Automatic Collection of Information

We do not use cookies on our Web site.

We do not automatically log personal data nor do we link information automatically logged by other means with personal data about specific individuals.

Data Collection and Purpose Specification

We do not collect any personal data from our visitors when they use our services.

We do not collect information about our visitors from other sources, such as public records or bodies, or private organisations.

Confidentiality / Security

Please note that we do not use a secure server. We recommend that customers who wish to use credit cards send in their credit card information by mail using the order form provided. Those customers who choose to send this information by fax or e-mail do so at their own risk.

Customer credit card information is kept on file, but off-line. If you wish that your information not be kept on file at all, please advise us using the contact information below.

Privacy Compliance

As far as we are aware, there are no national laws, global or regional regulatory or self-regulatory schemes applicable to our web site or organisation and therefore we cannot demonstrate that our privacy policy accords with the privacy instrument.

Privacy Support

If you have an enquiry or concern about our privacy policy, please contact:

Name/designation :
Mike Belcher

Address :
33 Norway Spruce St, Stittsville, ON, Canada, K2S 1P3

Phone Number :

Fax Number :

Email address :
Press here



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