About Belcher Bits
Belcher Bits is one of the many smaller 'garage kit' manufacturers in the
aftermarket business today. The proprietor, Mike Belcher, is a professional
engineer working for the Canadian Navy in Ottawa. Mike has been a modeller for
25 years, most of that time as an avid scratchbuilder interested in Russian
armour, naval aviation, helicopters and Star Trek ships. Mike is also a keen
supporter of IPMS Canada and has been editor of the national publication, RT
since 1982.
Belcher Bits started when Hasegawa (bless their souls) released the Sea King in
1/48 scale but (curse them) only offered the USN version witht the extended
sponsons. Mike scratchbuilt replacement sponsons, cast copies of these parts in
resin and starting selling them through a local shop. Today, Belcher Bits are
available directly or through retail outlets around the world.